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Developer Guide

Quick Start

You will need to have a registered account (Free Trial available) and your <SiteKey>to use MTCaptcha on your own website.

The best place to start and find out how to embed MTCaptcha captcha JavaScript plugin in to your website is to use our MTCaptcha Code Builder.

Code Generator Snippet


Step 1: Embed JavaScript Code Snippet

You can copy the JavaScript code snippet below into your HTML page. Please make sure to replace the <SiteKey> with your sitekey from the Admin Portal.

<!-- MTCaptcha JavaScript configuration and import, copy start -->
var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<SiteKey>"
var mt_service = document.createElement('script');
mt_service.async = true;
mt_service.src = '';
|| document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(mt_service);

var mt_service2 = document.createElement('script');
mt_service2.async = true;
mt_service2.src = '';
|| document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(mt_service2);
<!-- MTCaptcha JavaScript configuration and import, copy end -->
<form ... >
<!-- MTCaptcha Anchor DOM, copy start -->
<div class="mtcaptcha"></div>
<!-- MTCaptcha Anchor DOM, copy end -->

Step 2: Check Validated Token on Server Side With an API Call

On successful captcha verification, a mtcaptcha vierrfied token (string) will be created and inserted into the HTML form as a hidden input

<input type=’hidden’ name=’mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken’  value=’<token>’  />

The value of this ‘mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken’ form must be checked on the server side via an HTTP(S) API call.


HTTP Method:



  • <privatekey>

The PrivateKey secret. (Required)
This is the secret key and can be obtained in the MTCaptcha Admin Portal.

  • <token>

The verified token string. (Required)
This is the value of the mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken input.

Sample API Success Response (JSON)

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"v": "1.0",
"code": 201,
"codeDesc": "valid:captcha-solved",
"tokID": "ae1e60a1e249c217cb7b05c4dba8dd0d",
"timestampSec": 1552185983,
"timestampISO": "2019-03-10T02:46:23Z",
"hostname": "",
"isDevHost": false,
"action": "",
"ip": ""

Sample API Failure Response (JSON)

"success": false,
"fail_codes": [
"tokeninfo": {
"v": "1.0",
"code": 201,
"codeDesc": "valid:captcha-solved",
"tokID": "25eff0c56a227781408a95a053c36b65",
"timestampSec": 1552185729,
"timestampISO": "2019-03-10T02:42:09Z",
"hostname": "",
"isDevHost": false,
"action": "",
"ip": ""

Validate Token (With Private Key)

Validate MTCaptcha Success Token

A Verified-Token will be created once a user is verified via captcha. This token must be checked on the server side using the corresponding PrivateKey to ensure its validity. The standard approach is to use the CheckToken API, but for more customized and network-sensitive use cases, the token can also be decrypted directly on the server side.

Getting the Token

This Verified-Token can be found commonly via:

  • HTML hidden input form with name mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken:
  <input type='hidden' name='mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken'  />

and can also be found via

  • Javascript method
  • part of the status callback argument via verified-callback (see JS Callbacks for more details)
function mtcaptchaVerifiedCallback( status ) {
console.log( status.verifiedToken );

console.log( status.verifiedToken ); }

Token Constraints

Each verifiedToken is normally valid for a few minutes, and can only be verified once via the CheckToken API to prevent replay attacks.

After you get the verifiedToken, you need to check it within the time limit to ensure the token is still valid. The MTCaptcha javascript widget will insure at least 50 seconds is available for the server to verify.




  • privatekey : The shared PrivateKey secret between your server and MTCaptcha. (Required)
  • token : The VerifiedToken string. (Required)

eg :

NOTE : To insure the PrivateKey is kept secret this API should only be called from server side.

For server-side environments that require explicit firewall ACLs for outbound traffic, see: Use the Domain API URL below, which allows for explicit IP addresses


The IPs to white list are:



The API response is a JSON object, sample responses below

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"v": "1.0",
"code": 201,
"codeDesc": "valid:captcha-solved",
"tokID": "ae1e60a1e249c217cb7b05c4dba8dd0d",
"timestampSec": 1552185983,
"timestampISO": "2019-03-10T02:46:23Z",
"hostname": "",
"isDevHost": false,
"action": "",
"ip": ""

Sample Failure Response

"success": false,
"fail_codes": [
"tokeninfo": {
"v": "1.0",
"code": 201,
"codeDesc": "valid:captcha-solved",
"tokID": "25eff0c56a227781408a95a053c36b65",
"timestampSec": 1552185729,
"timestampISO": "2019-03-10T02:42:09Z",
"hostname": "",
"isDevHost": false,
"action": "",
"ip": ""

CHECKTOKEN API Response Fields

successtrue if the token is valid. false otherwise.
fail_codesThe code (reason) for validation failure. This field will only exist if success: false.
tokeninfoJSON object with the token metadata decrypted. This field may not exist on certain failures.
tokeninfo.vThe version of the token format, should be "1.0".
tokeninfo.codeThe tokencode describing the method of verification. For a full list of possible tokencode codes, see below.
tokeninfo.codeDescThe tokencode description. For a full list of possible codes and descriptions, see below.
tokeninfo.tokIDThe unique GUID for the token, 128bits Hex/Base16 encoded.
tokeninfo.timestampSecThe timestamp when the token was created, in Unix epoch time (in seconds).
tokeninfo.timestampISOThe time stamp when the token was created, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
tokeninfo.hostnameThe hostname of the webpage the captcha was served under.
tokeninfo.isDevHost‘true’ if the hostname matches ‘development domains’ configured for the site.
Tokeninfo.actionTokeninfo.action The action string used on initialization of the captcha. If not defined defaults to empty string.
tokeninfo.ipThe client IP of the user. In String format.

Response Token Info Codes & Descriptions

The codes for tokeninfo.code and tokeninfo.codeDesc are listed below:

Token CodesCode DescriptionDescription
201valid:captcha-solvedVerified via the captcha challenge was solved.
211valid:ip-whitelistedVerified via the client coming from an IP matching the IP whitelist for the site.
212valid:low-frictionVerified via the client deemed low risk, and the site has low-friction invisible captcha enabled.
301valid-test:captcha-solved-via-testkeyVerified via the TestKey (for automated testing).

Response Fail Codes

Possible response fail_codes

Fail CodesDescription
token-expiredThe token has expired. Commonly 120 seconds. Can be longer depending on captcha type.
token-duplicate-calThe token has been checked already, and thus should not be used.
bad-requestGeneral error for unexpected bad/malformed requests.
missing-input-privatekeyThe parameter privatekey is missing
missing-input-tokenThe parameter token is missing
invalid-privatekeyThe privatekey provided is not valid
invalid-tokenThe token is not valid
invalid-token-faildecryptThe token is not valid and failed during decryption
privatekey-mismatch-tokenThe token and the privatekey do not match. i.e., the token was created from another sitekey.
expired-sitekey-or-accountThe sitekey/privatekey is no longer valid due to expiration or account closure.

CHECKTOKEN API Optional Parameters

For custom use cases, the CheckToken API supports these optional parameters.

ParameterParameter Description
tokenExpireMiniSecSets the minimum expiration time (TTL) in seconds for the Verified-Token, which effectively allows the token to be valid for longer than the default 60–120 seconds. This custom expiration duration will only be applied if it is larger than the default MTCaptcha expiration time. The value must be an integer and max allowed value of 1200 (20 minutes). Example: tokenExpireMiniSec=300.
tokenDuplicateCallMaxCountSets the duplicate call threshold from the default of a single (one) CheckToken call per token to multiple. The value must be an integer and max allowed value of 20. Example: tokenDuplicateCallMaxCount=5.

The use of these optional parameters will add the fields token_callcount and token_agesec to the CheckToken API response.

"success": ...,
"token_callcount": 3,
"token_agesec": 9,
"tokeninfo": {

CHECKTOKEN via Server Side Decryption (Without External API Call)

The standard and easiest method of validating the MTCaptcha verifiedToken is via the checktoken API, but you can decrypt and decode the token directly on the server side without making any external API calls to You will need the site PrivateKey and the ability to calculate the MD5 hash and decrypt with AES cipher. Additional checks for timeout and single use will be needed on the server side to ensure proper security.

Decrypt Sample Code

The sample Java code to decrypt and decode the token can be found at the GitHub project here:

Verified-Token String Structure

"v1([MTCaptcha CheckSum], [Customer Checksum], [Sitekey], [Random Seed], [Encrypted TokenInfo])"

Example: v1(2f03cc7d,1058dfde,MTPublic-hal9000uJ,34715559cd42d3955114303c925c3582,kSdkIYA.....qOCQ**)

Token Parts

Token PartExample Value
[MTCaptcha CheckSum]2f03cc7d
[Customer Checksum]1058dfde
[Random Seed]34715559cd42d3955114303c925c3582
[Encrypted TokenInfo]kSdkIYA.....qOCQ**

Verified Token Decryption Logic

[CalculatedCustomerCheckSum]= MD5([Privatekey] + [SiteKey] + [Random Seed] + [Encrypted TokenInfo]).toHexLowercase().substring(0, 8)
[EncryptedTokenInfoBinary]= URLSafeBase64.decode([Encrypted TokenInfo].replace("*", "="));
[SingleUseDecryptionKey128bit]= MD5([Privatekey] + [Random Seed]);
[AesIV]= [SingleUseDecryptionKey128bit]
[DecryptedTokenInfoJson]= AES.decrypt("CBC/PKCS5Padding", [SingleUseDecryptionKey128bit], [AesIV], [EncryptedTokenInfoBinary]);

Textual Encoding / Decoding Format: UTF-8

Auto Form Validate

Automated HTML Form Validation

When Auto Form Validation is enabled, the MTCaptcha widget will automatically prevent the HTML form submission unless the captcha is solved. It will also show a "please complete" prompt message as below if the captcha is not solved on an attempted form submission.

Code Generator Snippet

To enable auto form validation, use the autoFormValidate JavaScript config parameter:

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"autoFormValidate": true

Captcha Action

For sites that need to use captcha on multiple pages or for different workflows, an (optional) ‘action’ parameter can be set on MTCaptcha initialization. This has the advantage of better analytics via the Admin Portal - dashboard and improved security.

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"autoFormValidate": true

Captcha Action Format & Constraints

The ‘action’ parameter string can be up to a maximum of 30 characters long and may contain any of the following chars

  • Alphanumeric (a-zA-Z0-9)
  • Dash ‘ - ’
  • Underscore ‘ _ ’
  • Dot ‘ . ’
  • Comma ‘ , ’ or for those more Regex inclined, it should match the following regex:
  • (^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.,]30$)

Note: The Admin Portal Dashboard only makes available the top 10 most used actions, It must not contain any user specific or privacy sensitive information.

Check Action on Token Validate

See Development Guide - Validate Token for complete documentation on how to validate the VerifiedToken. The tokeninfo.action field from a successful CheckToken API response (JSON Object) will contain the action string the captcha was initialized with. For improved security this action string should be checked for expected value.

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"action": "login",
// the action this captcha was initialized with

JS Callbacks

JavaScript Callbacks

The MTCaptcha widget supports the following callbacks

jsloaded-callbackThe MTCaptcha JavaScript library has loaded.
rendered-callbackThe MTCaptcha widget is rendered (made visible). This may not be called if captcha is kept invisible via the use of Low Friction or IP Whitelist invisible captcha in site settings.
verified-callbackThe user has been verified. A verifiedToken will always be available on callback.
verifyexpired-callbackThe last verifiedToken has expired.
error-callbackSome kind of error has occurred, such as bad sitekey, or internet connection lost.

To enable callbacks, us the following pattern and config params .

function mt_jsloadedcb()

function mt_renderedcb(state)
console.log("state => "+JSON.stringify(state));
function mt_verifiedcb(state)
console.log("state => "+JSON.stringify(state));
function mt_verifyexpiredcb(state)
console.log("state => "+JSON.stringify(state));
function mt_errorcb(state)
console.log("state => "+JSON.stringify(state));

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITEKEY>",

"jsloaded-callback": "mt_jsloadedcb",
"rendered-callback": "mt_renderedcb",
"verified-callback": "mt_verifiedcb",
"verifyexpired-callback": "mt_verifyexpiredcb",
"error-callback": "mt_errorcb"
The callback config params also support javascript function as value. eg:

var mtcb = {};
mtcb.jsloaded = function(){

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITEKEY>",
"jsloaded-callback": mtcb.jsloaded

The Callback State Argument & Fields

All callbacks that contains a ‘state’ argument has the following properties. eg

function mt_renderedcb(state)
console.log("state => "+JSON.stringify(state));

output in console:

state =>
"element": <element>,
"isVisible": true,
"statusDesc":"Captcha rendered"

The callback state argument fields explained

State FieldDescription
elementThe MTCaptcha DIV anchor DOM element.
domIDThe DOM ID of the MTCaptcha DIV anchor DOM element.
verifiedTokenThe verifiedToken string. null if not verified.
isVerifiedBoolean indicating if the captcha is currently verified. If true, the verifiedToken field will contain the token string.
isVisibleBoolean indicating if the captcha is currently visible. See Developers Guide - Invisible Captcha to learn more about invisible captcha settings.
statusCodeThe current status of the captcha.
statusDescThe current status of the captcha in description.

JavaScript APIs

MTCaptcha JavaScript APIs

A window.mtcaptcha object will be created once the MTCaptcha JavaScript library has loaded. This mtcaptcha object supports the following APIs.

enableTestMode()To enable Automated Test mode with the TestKey. For more details, see Developers Guide - Automated Testing.
getConfiguration()Returns a 'copy' of the configuration object for the captcha. This is primarily used for debugging config settings. Any changes to the returned config object are ignored.
getStatus()Returns the current state of the captcha. For more details of the state object, see Developers Guide - JS Callbacks - State Argument.
getVerifiedToken()Returns the current verifiedToken string, null if not verified.
renderUI()Explicit call to render the captcha, when initialized with config render='explicit'. See Developers Guide - Explicit Render for asynchronous safe method explicitly render the widget.
resetUI()Resets the widget and all its state.
remove()Completely removes the captcha widget from the DOM. The captcha can be re-instantiated by calling renderUI(). This method is useful for single-page web applications.
showMandatory()Shows the message and styling to indicate the captcha is mandatory. This is intended for use with custom form validation. See Developers Guide - Auto Form Validate to have the captcha automatically check and enforce completion on form submit.

Threat SPECT

The MTCaptcha Threat SPECT provides deep insight and actionable risk profile of each visitor.


Once Threat SPECT is enabled, The CheckToken API provides additional information via fiields ipCountry, riskType, riskInfo. Sample response below:

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"ip": "",
"ipCountry": "US",
"riskType": "datacenter",
"riskInfo": ""

‍See Developers Guide - Validate Token for complete documentation of CheckToken API.

CHECKTOKEN Risktype and Riskinfo Codes and Values

The full list of supported RiskType(s) and corresponding RiskInfo values

Risk TypesRisk Type DescriptionRisk Info Possible Values
attackerThe source of the traffic is from an IP address recently associated with proactive attacks.[empty string]
datacenterThe source of the traffic is from an IP address of a datacenter provider (e.g., AWS / Azure).Usually the root domain name of the datacenter host. Common values: "" for AWS, "" for Azure, "" for Google Cloud. Can be empty string.
botThe source of the traffic is from an IP address recently associated with some kind of bot activity. This also includes bots that clearly identify themselves with user agent, or maybe valid bot hosts like LinkedInBot or Facebook Crawler.Usually the root domain name of the datacenter hosting the bot where available. E.g., "". Can be empty string.
bot-seoThe source of the traffic is from a known and validated Search Engine. Currently supported Search Engines that can be validated include:The root domain name of the bot service. Values include: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "".
bot-fakeseoThe source of the traffic is from an IP address recently associated with pretending to be a well-known Search Engine (SEO) bot.Usually the root domain name of the datacenter hosting the bot where available. E.g., "". Can be empty string.
anonymizerThe source of the traffic is from a known VPN or Proxy service.Usually the root domain name of the VPN or proxy service (if known). E.g., "". Can be empty string.
anonymizer-torThe source of the traffic is from the Tor anonymizing proxy network.Values include: "".

Threat SPECT and Admin Dashboard

With Threat SPECT enabled, the MTCaptcha Admin Dashboard will provide detailed breakdown and historical trends for each of the RiskType.

Code Generator Snippet

Explicit Render

Explicitly Render MTCaptcha

MTCaptcha widget will automatically render on load as default behavior. To explicitly control when the widget is rendered.

Use the ‘render’ and ‘renderQueue’ javascript config params.

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"render": "explicit", // or "auto"
"renderQueue": []
<div id="someMTCaptchaID"></div>

//Explict MTCaptcha (async) call
to initialize and render captcha widget

Asynchronous JavaScript Load

The explicit render call via the config queue push() is async safe,

mtcaptchaConfig.renderQueue.push("") The captcha widget will render as soon as possible after the queue push, whether the MTCaptcha javascript library has loaded or not at the time of invocation.

Timing of Target DIV in DOM

The MTCaptcha will only look for the target DIV (with id=’<targetDivID>’) after call of mtcaptchaConfig.renderQueue.push().

Mini Form Factors

Captcha Widget Form Factors

The MTCaptcha captcha widget supports two distinct form-factors (display dimensions) to best satisfy the needs of different layouts. Both form factors are

  • Responsive and suitable for desktop and mobile layouts, and can fit down to minimum of 270 pixels wide.
  • Accessibility (VPAT) compliant, with audio captcha, keyboard shortcut keys and fully tested with screen readers.

Standard (Default) Form Factor

Code Generator Snippet

Modern Mini Form Factor

Code Generator Snippet

Invisible Captcha

Invisible Captcha is where no visible captcha is shown to verify the user, and a verifiedToken is still created as proof of verification. MTCaptcha currently supports 2 types of Invisible Captcha: (Both types can only be enabled via MTCaptcha’s Admin Portal > Sites Module)

  • Low Friction Invisible Captcha

    Where the user is only shown a captcha if MTCaptcha’s Risk Engine evaluates the user maybe of some risk. Most real users can proceed without interacting with any captcha challenge. In this scenario the captcha may or may not be visible for any given user.

    Analysis show Low Friction Invisible Captcha increases first attempt pass rate to over 99.5% for real humans (statistics from blended account usage).

    Low Friction Invisible Captcha can be enabled per site using the Admin Portal > Sites Module.

  • IP Whitelist Invisible Captcha

    Where users will not see any visible captcha if they visit from an internet IP address that matches the IP White list configured for the site. In this scenario all users within these IPs whitelisted will never see captcha.

    IP Whitelist Invisible Captcha can be enabled per site using the Admin Portal > Sites Module.

Invisible Captcha and Widget Loading Animation

Code Generator Snippet

Make sure to disable the widget loading animation when invisible captcha is used. To disable the loading animation use the ‘loadAnimation’ javascript config param:

  var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"loadAnimation": "false"

Invisible Captcha and Js Callbacks

See Developers Guide - JS Callbacks for complete documentation on supported callbacks. The standard callback sequence of a visible captcha is usually in the sequence **jsloaded > rendered > verified ** (standard sequence) In situations where the captcha is invisible, ‘rendered’ callback would be skipped. **jsloaded > verified ** (invisible sequence) Under conditions where the initial (invisible) verifiedToken expires, you may see
jsloaded > verified > verifyexpired > verified (invisible sequence with expiration) jsloaded > verified > verifyexpired > rendered > verified (invisible expired to visible)

How to Check if Current Captcha is Visible (Browser Side, Javascript)?

The javascript object state.isVisible (boolean) field indicates if the captcha is currently visible or invisible. The state object can be found in

How to Check a Verifiedtoken is the Result of Invisible Captcha (From Server Side)?

The tokeninfo.code and tokeninfo.codeDesc from the CheckToken API response can provide information on how the token was verified.

Specifically tokeninfo.code

  • 211 is verified via IP Whitelist
  • 212 is verified via Low Friction

See Developers Guide - Validate Token for more information on CheckToken API and response.

How to Force Visible Captcha When Invisible Captcha is Enabled?

One can use the same sitekey across different workflows and leverage Invisible Captcha in one workflow (eg login), and use visible captcha in another (eg registration).

To ensure the user is presented with a visible captcha when Low Friction Invisible is enabled, use the ‘lowFrictionInvisible’ javascript config param:

  var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"lowFrictionInvisible": "force-visible",

Invisible Captcha and Js Callbacks

See Developers Guide - JS Callbacks for complete documentation on supported callbacks.

The standard callback sequence of a visible captcha is usually in the sequence

jsloaded > rendered > verified (standard sequence)

In situations where the captcha is invisible, ‘rendered’ callback would be skipped.

jsloaded > verified (invisible sequence)

Under conditions where the initial (invisible) verifiedToken expires, you may see

jsloaded > verified > verifyexpired > verified (invisible sequence with expiration)

jsloaded > verified > verifyexpired > rendered > verified (invisible expired to visible)

How to Check if Current Captcha is Visible (Browser Side, Javascript)?

The javascript object state.isVisible (boolean) field indicates if the captcha is currently visible or invisible.

The state object can be found in

How to Check a Verifiedtoken is the Result of Invisible Captcha (From Server Side)?

The tokeninfo.code and tokeninfo.codeDesc from the CheckToken API response can provide information on how the token was verified.

Specifically tokeninfo.code

  • 211 is verified via IP Whitelist
  • 212 is verified via Low Friction

See Developers Guide - Validate Token for more information on CheckToken API and response.

How to Force Visible Captcha When Invisible Captcha is Enabled?

One can use the same sitekey across different workflows and leverage Invisible Captcha in one workflow (eg login), and use visible captcha in another (eg registration).

To ensure the user is presented with a visible captcha when Low Friction Invisible is enabled, use the ‘lowFrictionInvisible’ javascript config param:

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"lowFrictionInvisible": "force-visible",
How to Force Visible and Invisible Captcha in Development Mode?

Developers can explicitly set the captcha to be invisible or visible during development, by using the ‘testmode_lowFrictionInvisible’ and ‘enableTestMode’ javascript config params.

The ‘TestKey’ is part of the site keyset, and can be found next to the PrivateKey in MTCaptcha Admin Console.

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
'enableTestMode': '<TestKey>';
"testmode_lowFrictionInvisible": "force-invisible",
// or 'force-visible'

Customize Captcha Text Length

MTCaptcha defaults to the range of 4 - 8 characters for the captcha text length. The actual captcha text length shown to each user is based on the risk score calculated by the Risk Engine.

Code Generator Snippet

MTCaptcha supports 2 different methods to customize and change the captcha length:

  • MT Admin to set the general minimum and maximum characters of each site.
  • JavaScript Configuration to set the specific captcha character length on render.

Set Minimum and Maximum Characters Using MT Admin

The minimum and maximum number of captcha characters can be customized per site using MT Admin > Sites settings, with a select-able range of 3- 10 characters. The actual captcha length seen by each user within this range will be based on the risk score calculated by MTCaptcha’s Risk Engine.

Code Generator Snippet

Set Captcha Length Using JavaScript Configuration

The captcha character size can also be customized at widget render time by using the ‘textLength’ javascript config params. eg:

Code Generator Snippet

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"textLength": 10,

This advanced JavaScript config is Disabled by Default. and must be explicitly enabled via MT Admin > Sites setting ‘JS Config Captcha Text Length’.

Code Generator Snippet

When this javascript config is used, one can check on the server side the actual textLength presented to the user via an additional json property ‘tokeninfo.textLength’ in the JSON returned by the checktoken API.

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"textLength": 5

For more on how to call the checktoken API and its JSON response, see Developers Guide - Validate MTCaptcha Success Token

Automated Testing (Via Testkey)

Automated Testing Via Testkey

MTCaptcha supports automated browser UI/UX testing via tools like Selenium, without having to disable the captcha plugin.

Code Generator Snippet

There are two methods to enable automation test scripts to consistently solve the captcha:

Method 1:

  • Call javascript function mtcaptcha.enableTestMode with the TestKey, once the MTCaptcha plugin is loaded. eg:
  • Than enter the text ‘11111111’ into the captcha widget text form

    (entering any other string eg ‘22222222’ will result in verification failure)

Method 2:

  • set the <TestKey> via the ‘enableTestMode’ javascript config param
var mtcaptchaConfig = {
“sitekey”: “<SiteKey>”,
“enableTestMode” : “<TestKey>”
  • Then enter the text ‘11111111’ into the captcha widget text form

    (entering any other string eg ‘22222222’ will result in verification failure) ‍

Where Can I Find The Testkey?

The TestKey for each site can be found in the Admin Portal along with the SiteKey and PrivateKey. Usually with the prefix ‘MTPrivQA-’. Note: The TestKey should be kept secret.

Check If Verifiedtoken Is Result Of Automated Testing

The captcha will create a VerifiedToken once solved using a TestKey, the same as if a user solved the captcha manually.

To check if a VerifiedToken is the result of using the TestKey, the decoded token information (JSON) will have the corresponding TokenInfo.code of 301 and codeDesc ‘valid-test:captcha-solved-via-testkey’. CheckToken API Response:

"success": true,
"tokeninfo": {
"code": 301,
"codeDesc": "valid-test:captcha-solved-via-testkey",

See our Developers Guide - Validate Token - for more information on VerifiedToken, CheckToken API, and TokenInfo Codes


The purpose of this feature is to support automated unit tests for user interface and interactions. It is not intended to support long running load or performance tests. The captcha may temporarily block test server IP(s) if loaded for long periods of time.


Stack Overflow: How to call a JavaScript function from within Selenium

Stack Overflow: Selenium : Call javascript function on page.

Custom Style

MTCaptcha supports full customization of style and color to match the look and feel of your website. This can be done via pre-defined themes as well as detailed style settings, using the javascript initialization config object.

For specifics on how to do this, please see the Code Builder, Custom Style tab.

Code Generator Snippet

Localization and Custom messages

Customize Text Messages and Localization

MTCaptcha supports localization (internationalization) for different languages out of the box, as well as customization of specific messages. Both can be done using JavaScript via the initialization config object.

For specifics on how to do this, please see the Code Builder, Custom Language tab.

Code Generator Snippet

Multiple Captcha per page

MTCaptcha widget supports the user of multiple captcha per webpage.

To render more than one captcha, use the ‘renderQueue’ javascript config param

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"renderQueue": ['mtcaptcha-1', 'mtcaptcha-2', 'mtcaptcha-3']

<div id="mtcaptcha-1"></div>
<div id="mtcaptcha-2"></div>
<div id="mtcaptcha-3"></div>

MTCaptcha APIs And Multiple Captchas‍

All window.mtcaptcha javascript APIs supports domID as param to target individual captchas loaded on the page.

// get the status of the first captcha
// get the status of the captcha with id='mtcaptcha-1'

// get the current verifiedToken of the first captcha
// get the current verifiedToken of the captcha
// with id='mtcaptcha-2'

To learn more about all the mtcaptcha APIs see Developers Guide - Javascript APIs

Custom Configuration Per Captcha

Configuration can be customized per captcha instance by using the element ‘data-<configparam>’ attributes in the target DIV.

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"renderQueue": ['mtcaptcha-1', 'mtcaptcha-2']

<div id="mtcaptcha-1" data-sitekey='<sitekey1>'
data-action='login' data-lang='zh'></div>
<div id="mtcaptcha-2" data-sitekey='<sitekey2>'
data-action='register' data-lang='fr'></div>

Multiple Captcha And Callbacks

MTCaptcha JavaScript callbacks provides an argument with field state.domID to indicate specifically which captcha instance the callback is for.

function mt_verifiedcb(state)
console.log("state.domID => "+state.domID);
// either 'mtcaptcha-1' or 'mtcaptcha-2'

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITEKEY>",
"verified-callback": "mt_verifiedcb",
"renderQueue": ['mtcaptcha-1', 'mtcaptcha-2']

<div id="mtcaptcha-1"></div>
<div id="mtcaptcha-2"></div>

To learn more about the different callbacks see Developers Guide - JS Callbacks

Loading Animation

The MTCaptcha widget comes with a default loading animation as visual placeholder while it loads additional javascript and captcha components.

Code Generator Snippet

Change Default Loading Style

The color of the loading border and animated dots can be customized using the ‘customStyle.loadAnimationBorderColor’ \and ‘

and ‘customStyle.loadAnimationDotColor’ javascript config params.

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"customStyle": {
"loadAnimationDotColor": "#5EFF4F",
"loadAnimationBorderColor": "#78DCDC"

‍Disable Loading Animation And Invisible Captcha

For customers using Invisible Captcha, the loading animation should be disabled via the ‘loadAnimation’ javascript config param

var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"loadAnimation": "false",

Custom Loading Animation

The loading animation can be completly customized by embedding another DIV element of class name ‘mtcaptcha-loadanimation’ inside the MTCaptcha anchor DOM element. This has the added benefit of being very fast as it will be shown without waitng for the MTCaptcha bootstrap javascript to load.

  <div class="mtcaptcha">
<div class="mtcaptcha-loadanimation">
<!-- custom loading animation here -->

A complete example of a custom loading animation with an embeded animated gif below:

Code Generator Snippet

<div class="mtcaptcha">
<div class="mtcaptcha-loadanimation"
style="width:350px; height:115px; text-align: center; border:1px solid #dddddd; border-radius:7px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px;">
<div style="opacity: 0.5; font:small;
margin-top: 10px; ">loading...</div>

SDK and Plugins

Software Development Kits (SDK) and Plugins

Software development kits, plugins and demos can be found at our Github MTCaptcha Public Account. The following are currently available below.

Server Side SDKs

These SDKs help server side integration with MTCaptcha to check if the VerifiedToken is valid.

Client Side SDKs

These SDKs help with client/browser side integration of MTCaptcha captcha.


These are plugins to integrate MTCaptcha into existing portals and CMS platforms.



Didn’t find what you needed? Please feel free to reach out to our support team at or drop us a note at our contact us page.